(Originally created 4/8/2009)
As Sue reported, we experienced a couple of serious technical problems
with the computers at the studio that had a substantial impact on our
ability to broadcast.
Firstly, our computer "Roger" that serves the internet stream suffered
a hard disk failure yesterday, April 7th 2009. We are currently in the
process of rebuilding this computer - a new hard disk has been
installed and the software now has to be set up to stream the audio
once more. We are not sure when this will be completed, but we will
keep you updated with progress.
The second problem was with "Meg", the computer that runs MegaSeg,
which provides scheduled programs, Station ID announcements and the
random music playlist. Some programs had become "stuck", requiring the
computer to be restarted, which was done during Sue's live program
"Gleanings" yesterday evening. After this restart, the computer was no
longer connecting to the audio interfaces that send the sound output
to the mixer board at the station. As we could not immediately find a
fix for this, Sue put on a CD to play on repeat so that we would not
have "dead air". This morning I as able to reconfigure the computer to
use a different output - just in time to air "Democracy Now!" at
10:00am this morning. While using this temporary connection, I was
able to reset the normal audio interfaces and returned studio
operation to normal at approximately 11:00am.
this morning, but - "stuff happens" as they say.